Category Archives: Brazil

Are You Ready for a Romantic Getaway in Brazil?

When it comes to getting away for some one-on-one time, many couples will tell you that their ideal scenario is heading for some relaxing beach in South America or cruising that part of the world, standing on the deck and watching the stars glisten over the ocean. So, is that how you have envisioned you and your significant other spending time in the near future? If so, a romantic getaway in Brazil may be just what is calling your names. Whether it is enjoying the beach and water or

3 Adventure Expeditions You Won’t Regret

AN AMAZON EXPEDITION The Amazon basin is one of a kind in the world; it is the largest lowland on the planet covering 1.7 billion acres covering nine countries. It is the world’s largest tropical rainforest that represents over half of the planets remaining rainforests. The Amazon River is the source of life for this region and it is the largest in the world in terms of volumes of water that flow in the river. An expedition in the Amazon lets you experience it unique wildlife, lost cities,

5 Of The Best Places For A Tour Around The World

JORDAN Jordan may not strike you as a top destination on your world tour, but it is a land of discoveries, a land with some of the best biblical sites and historical treasures. Petra is Jordan’s glittering jewel with its fascinating archeological site which is the new seventh world wonder. The unspoilt Wadi Rum Desert presents a vast silent landscape occupied by stunning rock formations, ancient riverbeds and pastel colored sandy deserts. Away from the deserts Aqaba offers are relaxed atmosphere

Ultimate Brazil: what to see and do

Brazil has a busy few years ahead of it, what with hosting the FIFA football World Cup in 2014 and the Olympic Games in 2016. These international sporting events have put the country firmly in the sights of a growing number of travellers - if you’re one of them, we’re going to tell you about some of Brazil’s top attractions. Rio de Janeiro You can’t visit Brazil and not spend time in what’s arguably its most famous city, Rio de Janeiro. This vibrant, thriving metropolis is backed